Friday, June 8, 2007

KniOledge's first !

the collosal task of peregrinating from my place to the place of my métier, especially in a place like Chennai, is what is making me so frustrated that im begining to use words that i dont quite comprehend ... but what i do is certainly commendable... and to top it, we have the inexorable and intransigent system of the phenomenal ( sarcasm intended ), truculent PS1 station that is Bitsunami...whose imbecilic harebrained moronic nonsensical trustees feel we the brilliant PS1 students of BITS-pilani are naive enough to actually want to do work... and who give two weeks off as a punishment ( ROFL ) but later feel its too harsh a punishment so end up cancelling the holiday to our consternate selves ... call it the iron clad fist of fate or just the pure hebetudinous self that made me choose this as my ps1 station .


Raja said...

now i know y i shd prepare for gre.... kod

Shwetha said...

looks like GRE preperation is well underway!

And God! Why are you being such a girl and complaining all the time???

inertia said...

rofl i put words into thesaurus n wrote this blog ...ob no way in hell id know all that shit !!!

-- yogesh

Raja said...

thank god..else i wasgonna cancel gre [:P] oink oink

Maalolan said...

Oink Oink Oink

cool blog da ....i never knew u r givin GRE tis sem ..he he he ....too complicated eng wrds huh ...

kudos man

keep bloggin
